What if one could travel through time? Meet one scientist who discovered this.

Not only is it possible, it has actually happened
The person who invented the Time machine was Xepsis Klerglemoss
and this is what it looked like from photos he left behind
The machine itself did not actually go anywhere, it simply - in effect - vaporised the Time traveller, and then unvaporised them in the appropriate time period. The machine could be controlled from wherever he was
From his diary notes we find that his first attempt was just to go back a year.
The machine worked perfectly except it only vaporised him but not his clothes, so he arrived naked except for metal objects.
And it happened that his workshop had previously been a Victorian drapery, and was full of ladies at the time of his arrival
Luckily he was able to vaporise himself quickly, but not before he was snapped by a photographer taking pictures of the shop’s salesday.
This picture of him was used by the police in their hunt for the strange intruder.
The unfortunate consequence of the incident was that the Draper’s shop was boycotted by ladies thereafter, and had to close down.
Some newspapers claimed that the shop had deliberately staged this event as it was trying to promote its special protective clothing for ladies.
Mr Klerglemoss realized that going back in time had unintended consequences, and that his workshop was the consequence of his own action, as the drapers became bankrupt due to his action, and he had himself bought the premises cheaply for his experiments.
It poses a rather complex paradox, and resulted in his deciding to abandon Time travel, and to destroy his equipment.
His story is only known by a chance event in that he was in the process of moving to a new house, but had lost his keys. He decided to time travel back to the morning when he last had his keys, which he did, and found them.
But on traveling back to the present time, the Moving men had shifted his wardrobe, and unluckily he arrived back in his locked wardrobe. He had dropped his ‘Vaporiser but there was not enough room for him to bend down and pick it up.
The result was that he was discovered some time later, dead, and naked in his wardrobe, with no explanation of how he got there was reported in the local paper, and a journalist, out of curiosity, discovered what appears to be the above story, though his version of it was dismissed by the police.
We might never know the full truth of the matter, but there is a lesson to be learned about tampering with Nature


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